Best Position for Beginner Soccer Players! (Helpful Guide)

best position for beginner soccer players

As a beginner it totally fine and normal to be a little bit confused regarding the right position where they should start with!

In fact, as simple as this might sound, there is not a definitive answer as this depends on numerous factors.

In this Post I will give you a detailed, scientific and experienced based answer. This should be Helpful!

What is the best position for beginner soccer players?

In order to determine the best position as a beginner soccer player, you must first ask couple of simple questions …

  • Would you rather be on the offense most of the game? (Then you should start as a striker or even a playmaker)
  • Are you OKey with having contacts with other players by stopping spoiling the opposite team’s attacks? (Then you should start as a central defenders or even as a defensive midfielder)
  • Do you like the idea of being both at defense and offense depending on the tactical situation? (Then you should start as a pure midfielder and or a box to box player)
  • Do you feel confident in your acceleration and speed capabilities and would live to run with and without the ball more? (Then you should start as a full back or a winger)
  • Would you feel confident in your timings and more comfortable having an eye on the game from behind and being the last man to stop the other team’s strikes? (Then you should start as a Goalkeeper)

These questions sound very basic, yet they are more important than what you might think!

The best position for a beginner soccer player should be based on interest at first! Otherwise, the passion to play will die quickly. Indeed, gaining passion for the sport at the beginning is crucial.

Once you begin to grow in your abilities, you or your coach may decide that another position best suits your skills. You’ll want to work with your strengths, not against them. For all you know, the position you start with may not be the one you want to pursue later on.

For now, know that in the beginning you should choose a position you want to play. Determine what you want to get out of the sport.

With enough practice, dedication, and experience you can build on your weaknesses to progress towards making that position you want permanent.

For more tips to choose your soccer position, I think you should definitely check those this helpful articles

Gear recommendation for beginner players …

Now that you kind of know what position to play, next you should get the right gear. Let’s start with the feet and work our way up.

1. Cleats

You should start with a decent pair of cleats early on. You’ll be wearing them while playing a match, you might as get used to wearing them as soon as possible.

The Adidas Predator (Check it Here on Amazon) are an excellent, inexpensive pair of cleats for all beginner players. These cleats are designed for grass fields and provide excellent traction while running the field.

Most local soccer teams play on grass fields, however, those looking towards indoor soccer will want a cleat designed for turf or indoor fields. Look for cleats specific to the field you’ll be playing on.

You don’t want outdoor cleats with metal studs on gym floors, or flat-sole indoor shoes on real grass. In either scenario you will be sliding all over the field with no grip.

2. Socks

To go with your new cleats you’ll need soccer socks. These are designed to protect your feet from friction while wearing your cleats and cover your shin guards. Adidas has a pair of socks (Check it Here on Amazon) that won’t break the bank and will provide enough protection for your feet.

3. Shin guards

Next, you’ll want shin guards (Check Them Here on Amazon). You can never be too protected and shin guards are a must if you want to avoid shin injuries due to contacts and over power ball smashing.

Fortunately, a beginner will more than likely not encounter another beginner with a lot of force behind their kicks. This means taking a ball to the shin will have less impact as opposed to a professional player.

You can get away with a more affordable option such as this one. It’s lightweight and offers enough protection for a beginner.

4. Clothing

You’ll want comfortable clothes to play in. More than likely, you’ll have a uniform if you are part of a team. For practice, you’ll want shorts and shirts that fit comfortably while playing.

Avoid too baggy or too tight.

5. Monthguard

One of the most often overlooked pieces of equipment soccer players look past is a mouthguard.

It might come as a surprise but soccer is a contact sport. Think of all the ways you can have a collision.

Elbows to the face, ball to the face, taking a slide tackle and falling on your chin.

You can picture all the ways to get hurt. Tooth and gum injuries are common in soccer and a decent mouthguard is your best way of protecting your mouth.

Shock Doctor is well known for making affordable, and highly protective mouthguard.

For more information, you can have a look at this approach on wearing mouthguard for soccer!

6. Goalie Specifics

As for goalkeepers, everything listed applies to you. However, you’ll want to look for gloves.

The brand Sportout makes an affordable pair of soccer gloves (Check Them Here on Amazon). You’ll want to go with either mid-range or high priced gloves. Don’t use any other type of gloves that are designed for other sports.

You want to protect your hands as much as possible, while also having the best possible grip your budget can afford.

Don’t go too cheap on your gloves. They may be the difference between a goal and a save.

Should beginners try all soccer positions?


Here’s why …

Not only will you get a feel for whether or not you like the position, but you’ll also get an understanding of what each player does on the field. This understanding will translate over to a match.

By having a better understanding of each position, you’ll have a strategic advantage everytime you go to set up a play, or know which player you should pass to for every situation.

Plus, as mentioned you’ll get to learn new positions and develop new skills. You might like the new position enough to switch over to it.

Don’t be afraid to try new things on the field.

Right process to help a beginner choose the best position …

Each player is different and no process will work for everyone. But, here’s a process that works for most players when determining which position is best for them.

  • Determine what they want to do on the field.
  • Understand their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Try the new position.
  • Go back to your old position.
  • Decide which position was easier or felt better at.

You have to figure out what you want to do on the field first, then you can know which direction to take.

Offense, defense, or both.

From here, assess your strengths and weaknesses. Having a knowledgeable coach will make this step easier. They can determine what you are strong at, and what you need help working on.

Then, try the new position. You won’t know anything till you try the position. As a beginner, this is the perfect time to try all new positions since you have nothing permanent.

Try each new position one at a time.

Next, go back to your starting position, if you have one.

How does it compare? Did you enjoy the new one more?

If you do, then move into that one. If you want to experience a new one, start from the third step in the process. Use your current position as a comparison to the new.

Is a Goalie a good position to start with?

Some people think starting as a goalie is perfect for beginners. This may be true for natural goalies, but not everyone is cut out for such a high pressure position. They also may not have the abilities to make saves.

As a goalie, you are not going anywhere but between those two posts. You don’t have to dribble, pass, or shoot. Your objective is to keep the ball out the net and pass to the right player down field.

If you can’t save the ball, well then you cost your team the game. Is that pressure you are willing to take?

Goalies have specific training unlike other players on the field. Being a goalie is a commitment, and unless you plan on dedicating time to the position, you would be better off choosing another one.

You should give the position a try at least couple of times, though.

What’s the easiest position in soccer?

This question is asked frequently, and the quick answer is striker. Their only objective is to get the ball to the back of the net. If everyone else gets the ball downfield, then it’s up to the striker to get the goal.

This sounds easier than it actually is. If you are decent at dribbling, or know how to position yourself in front of the goal, then it’s only a matter of you versus the goalkeeper. Unlike other positions that have to get past a whole team to get the ball to you.

Being quick on your feet, knowing how to get past defenders, and having decent power mixed with accuracy will make you an excellent striker.

Where coaches should put their weakest players?

Coaches typically put their weakest players as left back on defense. There are fewer left-footed players which means less there is less competition in this section of the field.

Typically, most will argue defense has the hardest positions. But, in the case of left back, it is best suited for weaker players.

Final Thoughts …

Since you are, probably, a beginner, I really hope this Post has given you a ideas on what position you should opt for …

… Just don’t stress about it, chances are, with practice and consecutive games; you will end up finding the right position for sure!

Claressa Cormier

Claressa Cormier has over 15 years of soccer experience between playing the sport at a semi-professional level, following the biggest soccer teams & leagues out there as well as helping beginners to get started on the right foot.

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